The Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel Picnic Dinner

Salve brothers and sisters in Christ! Join us and other TLM parishes throughout northeast Ohio to celebrate the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel on September 29th.


During this difficult time in the Church and in the world, it is important to come together as a community and reflect on the Archangel Michael, the guardian of the Church and how we can act according to his example in our own lives. It is our hope that we as a community can grow in fellowship and in faith.

Saint Michael the archangel,
defend us in battle. Be our 
protection against the 
wickedness and snares of 
the Devil. May God rebuke
him, we humbly pray, and 
do thou, O Prince of the 
Heavenly hosts, by the 
power of God, cast into 
Hell Satan, and all the 
evil spirits who prowl 
about the world, 
seeking the ruin of souls. 
